About me

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Hi, I'm Jihee,
an information designer based in Germany with a unique background in pharmacy. By combining my expertise in healthcare and design, I craft innovative design solutions for eHealth.

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Since 2016, I have been working as a designer, continuously refining my skills in health data visualization and UX/UI design for healthcare apps and webs in Germany. I have a solid foundation in both design and science, which I believe is essential to crafting effective designs for the healthcare industry.

My focus is on improving healthcare communication through effective information design. With a passion for data visualization and a belief that visualizing complex health information can lead to better patient outcomes, I approach each project with a goal of creating compelling, user-friendly designs that empower patients and providers alike. My ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on the healthcare through innovative design solutions. Let's collaborate together to bring your eHealth project to life with cutting-edge design solutions!

  • Information designer in data visualization and UX/UI design in healthcare, Germany

  • Holds BA and MA degrees in Interactive Information Design from Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Germany

  • Junior international business manager in life science company, Republic of Korea

  • Licensed pharmacist, Republic of Korea

  • Holds a BA degree in pharmacy from Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea