
CROSSOS Operating System

Operating System design including icon style, setting area, and wallpapers

CROSSOS Operating System

Discovery &

I was tasked with designing a operating system for CROSSSOFT which is a base for their medical software. The challenge was to create an intuitive interface that was both visually appealing and easy to configurate the own OS. To achieve this, I used a glas morphism and 3D tool to create a unique set of wallpapers. I also made adjustments to the product icons to ensure they were consistent with the overall design of the operating system. Mainly, I designed the settings area with a focus on usability and a clean, modern look and feel. The end result was a visually stunning and user-friendly operating system that met the needs of CROSSSOFT

Project for

CROSSSOFT. GmbH / 2022

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  • Modern Wallpaper Design made by 3D Tool (Blender)
  • Consistent Product Icons
  • Usability-focused Settings Area
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